No, but it is highly advisable to guarantee accommodation.
Yes. This is the easiest way to reserve by accessing: BOOKINGS
We have 8 beds distributed in 4 bunk beds on 2 levels.
Yes. This is a shared bedroom.
No. In the case of double bunk beds, there are beds on the lower level and beds on the upper level.
There are also two sizes of beds: 4 are 190x90 cm and 4 are 200x90 cm.
By checking availability you will be able to see the characteristics of each available bed.
Yes. When making the reservation there is no other option than to assign 1 guest per bed.
You can check availability through our website: BOOKINGS
You can also call us by phone: 948 496 705 – 655 834 322 – 616 950 39
O enviarnos una consulta mediante the contact form
Yes. Depending on availability for the dates you have chosen, you can choose between a low bed or a high bed in any of the 4 bunk beds. If the reservation is for more than one person, you can choose between reserving beds in the same bunk beds or choosing the beds interchangeably.
Yes. You can spend more than 1 night in our Albergue.
Yes. Depending on availability.
Al hacer tu reserva tienes la opción de escoger si tu tarifa incluye o no el desayuno.
En el caso de que quieras realizar otras comidas en nuestra Cafetería, te agradeceremos que nos lo indiques en el apartado Special Requests of the reservation form or as soon as you arrive at our Albergue.
Yes. We have 4 different rates:
- Accommodation for pilgrims: €15/night (With Pilgrimage Credential Accreditation)
- Accommodation for pilgrims with breakfast included: €20/night (With Pilgrimage Credential Accreditation)
- Accommodation for non-pilgrims: €25/night
- Accommodation for non-pilgrims with breakfast included: €30/night
When making the reservation you will be able to select which of the 4 rates you choose.
Complete the reservation process. Upon completion you will receive an email with the confirmation of your reservation. At the bottom of this email you will also find a link to the your reservation details page.
Yes. To request a modification or cancellation of the reservation you can do so by sending us a message from the detail page of your reservation, the link of which you will receive at the bottom of the confirmation email.
Full payment of the reservation amount will be paid at the hostel itself by payment in cash or bank card.